Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sucks to be sick, again, on your off day!

Last night was amazing and horrible, Amazing in the sense I'm amazed that I still managed to stand through the whole day with a horrible running nose and flu without ever collapsing. Horrible by the fact i had to really control and STEER the floodgates in my nose have to hold and control it almost all the time to prevent sudden leakages! Worst part is the sneezing! Imagine having two stacks on clothes on both hands while you're on your way to put em back on the racks, then this lady drops by and asks you for help! You REALLY wanna help her, and you somehow you REALLY wanna sneeze at that moment! Really hard to keep these hot, teary eyes open as well! Plus the occasion mind-blocks you get when you're annoyed by the flu, suddenly forgetting what the hell you're doing! Fortunately this wasn't the first time working on a flu for me, back then while I was working in that chocolate shop, the same thing happened, and I had to wash dishes the whole day and sneezed like hell. Horrendous job. Next time was in Army when a stupid FAT store sergeant, manfred was his name I think, ordered me to get ready for the arrival of the platoon from their 28km route march at the waterpoint. I couldn't attend the March because i was already down with flu, and now this bugger wants me to wake up 12am for no reason, and wait downstairs for them to come. They only came around 4am, And i had to sleep out there on the cold hair floor with nothing but the water cans, so naturally, my flu got a whole lot worst the next day! Seriously wanted that fat man dead. Can never trust a fat guy if you ask me! This is what happens! Anyway that plus a few more other flu related instances! Fortunately yesterday wasn't too bad, bearable, but barely. The only motivation i had was "Okay this is for the stuff i wanna get! Can't give up now! 6 days till the end of the month 12 to payday! WORK!!!" I must sound like I always wanna buy something huh! Die.

Funny thing was when this Ang Moh lady, probably in her late 20s, asked, of all the people in the shop, ME, how a Wonderbra actually works excitedly while holding a pair of those silicon flaps and gesturing. The flu wasn't exactly helping my mind think straight, and I was desperately finding a way to escape! And that was when she accidentally dropped the two silicon pads onto the floor and then reached for them which then led to an OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH MY THATS BIG. But ANYWAY that's not the point! She asked me first if it could be washed or was it disposible, then she asked me how she should wear it! With that i held up the two cups in each hand up to my chest level.... and suddenly I ran out of words! How the HELL am I going to describe this?! "Oh wow well uh...." Fortunately she kinda DROPPED the topic and asked me something else. "Well then uh... what size do you think i should get?", Being a natural MALE of course, I looked down slightly... and "I think you should get the LARGEST ones", Finally giving up on the awkwardness! "Let me get someone who's uh, better suited to help you out for this!" and with that went to my lady boss to get down to the nitty gritty details. And it didn't really help that her brother or boyfriend was just standing there, looking EQUALLY intently at me for the answers I simply dont have!

Man thought about exercising today in the GYM and maybe going for a swim, but so much for that now thanks to the flu! Still thinking about whether i should go later on, but i think the answer's pretty obvious! Better to spend my off day locked up at home, than fainting in a smelly sweaty gym and embarrassing myself in a mighty fashion. Guess I might have to wait till Thursday to have a go

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